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For Pre-Medical Students

A&B Private Tutors is dedicated to increasing inclusion and equity within the medical field. Scholarships will provide students with free pre-medical tutoring. See below for current scholarships, deadlines, and requirements!

Work Stations
Training for medical professionals

2022-2023 Scholarship

The A&B Private Tutors 2023 Scholarship will provide students with 60 hours of MCAT tutoring for no cost. 

Interested students are required to submit a 1000-word essay below outlining their career aspirations and difficulties they have faced on their academic journey.


At least two students who are classified as underrepresented in medicine according to the AAMC and one rural student will be selected for this scholarship.


 The application window will close on January 20th, 2023 and the winner will be contacted via email in mid-February. Students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

A&B Private Tutors Scholarship Application

Please submit a 1000-word essay outlining your career aspirations and the challenges you have faced on your academic journey and how you have overcome these challenges.

Thanks for submitting! You will be contacted in February 2023

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